Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm Going To 20 This March 15??!!! Huh, It's Too Fast!!!!

"Ku Cuba Maknakan Diri"
Salam everybody!!! Today, 1st. March; not right??? Realized not aware, left several days for me leave world 19 years!!! Fast time passes. Adult catch up, make I forgotten age increasing!! Arghhh, indifferent is still few weeks for me enjoy age these 19 years!!!! hahahahahahaah ;p Difficult reality for us accept, isn't it??? Anyway, I realize 19 years of living under the "rahmat" and "nikmat" Illahi make me thankful and enjoy life with a different ways from others. Not want to proud of myself, but I try try mean life with my way is own; without breaching religious limits and laws of country. I'm very thankful to those bringing a meaning into myself. My family, my friends also my teachers and my instructors( when I was in PKBM LAUT). Thank you very much everybody!!! Without guidance all of you, maybe I'll be lost in this journey!!! This March, full with memories!!! But, I'll try to forget the hurt memory!!! Lastly, I hope this March 15 will bring a new meaning in my journey of life!!! This birthday also differs because me would leave title "belas"!!!! ;p Pray for me!!!


Anonymous said...

best la bahasa inggeris kau... senyum lebar aku tengah hari nih...

amiechomel said...

eh kita sama2 born in march la... patutla ada persamaan!

Anonymous said...

Selamat Meninggalkan Alam Remaja. Selamat Datang Alam Kedewasaan. Hehe..


P/s : Selamat Beruban

Al-Rashid Zulkefli said...

Salam Semua,

anon oo,

Ye ke?? Pas ni boleh wat celebration ngan bebudak March Birthday!!

Thanks for wishing me!!!!
Tapi, bab tumbuh uban tu, biar lambat ckit!!!

fahana_ann said...

Betul ucapan Qaiyum tu.huhu
em,aku pun bila tiba masa hari lahir teringat yang kita makin hampir untuk jumpa Dia.BUat bacaan Yassin.syukuri atas nikmatnya..Kalau ikut tarikh hijrah aku lahir 23 Safar.Dah lepas..Dan aku sentiasa akan cuba memuhasabahkan diri pada masa hari lahir aku sebab mak aku cerita kesakitannya melahirkan aku yang lama..jadi tak de makna aku nak enjoy..cuma lebih kepada syukur.
Memori pahit di bulan 3?Ia kan mengajar erti kedewasaan.Sebagai panduan:)

Al-Rashid Zulkefli said...

Salam Semua,

Memang bukan jadi tradisi diri intuk bersuka-ria di hari lahir. Apatah lagi, menjelang usia 20 tahun ini.

Masa lebih banyak digunakan untuk berfikir dan mencorakkan satu pengalaman baru!!!

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